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Recent content by BikeBikeYYC

  1. BikeBikeYYC

    Urban Arrow replacement parts

    Have you checked with an Urban Arrow dealer, see if they can order the parts for you?
  2. BikeBikeYYC

    Brake Pad Reminder

    We've seen so much of this - and worse - that we implemented a little service sticker regime to try and remind our cargo bike customers to come in for check ups more regularly than
  3. BikeBikeYYC

    Checking Out Surly's Skid Loader

  4. BikeBikeYYC

    Secure Bike Parking Hack For Apartment/Condo Folks

    Our van fits in our stall and does not ever need to be moved.
  5. BikeBikeYYC

    Secure Bike Parking Hack For Apartment/Condo Folks

    Exactly why I mentioned one needs to do research specific to your own situation.
  6. BikeBikeYYC

    Trailer recommendations?

    Have you checked out Burley and/or WIKE?
  7. BikeBikeYYC

    Anyone have these pedals?

    LOOK makes a GEO pedal with clip-in option and lighting.
  8. BikeBikeYYC

    Are there bike shops that offer same-day service (or loaner bikes) for cargo bikes in your area?

    We have the option to wait-while-we-work for maintenance issues that are pre-identified: Things like tire swaps, new chain/cogset install, new brake pads. Also have a lounge area with a comfy couch, coffeem Bubly's, and kids books.
  9. BikeBikeYYC

    Reviewing LOOK Geo City Vision Bike Pedals

    I have seen them but never used them.
  10. BikeBikeYYC

    3D Printable Cargo Bike
