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Recent content by Christian

  1. C

    Bullitt X rider from Berkeley, California

    How long does the battery last with this setup? I am considering to get the electric Bullitt X to be able to transport two of our dogs at the same time. I already do that with the non-electric Bullitt but the dogs are a bit cramped and I choose my routes carefully to avoid steep hills.
  2. C

    Bullitt rider in the South East of the Greater Seattle Area

    Hi, I use a non-electric Larry vs Harry Bullitt to take my dogs (usually one at a time) around. Here is a picture where I did a three day tour up Snoqualmie Pass. I'm south east of Seattle in unincorporated King County, Washington.
  3. C

    Bullitt X rider from Berkeley, California

    Is this the non-electric carla cargo? I would like to get the electric version but they don't sell it outside the EU. Where did you get yours?