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Recent content by MichaelFromTempo

  1. MichaelFromTempo

    Hello from San Francisco

    Hah. Yes. We were coming back from a short bikepacking trip with another cargo bike dad and son. Our tent pitches with ski/trekking poles.
  2. MichaelFromTempo

    Affordable alternative to bike theft insurance

    (This is self-promotion so, Arleigh, no offense if you delete.) I assume most of us have thought about the risk that our cargo bikes will be stolen. I thought about it so much that I started a business to address it. A few months ago we started selling a set of decals for your bike that deter...
  3. MichaelFromTempo

    Hiplock DX1000

    I can't think of a bike that is design for "lockability". I use a D1000 and it often requires some wrestling to get it around my Xpedition and whatever I am trying to lock it to. The DX would be easier. Having frame members placed in a way that you can easily get a good U lock through them and a...
  4. MichaelFromTempo

    Hello from San Francisco

    Hi Cargo Bike Friends, I'm Michael and I live in San Francisco where I use my Lectric Xpedition for taking kids to school, running errands, and occasional bike camping. I also run Tempo, a theft protection service for ebikes. We offer an affordable alternative to bike insurance for ebike...