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Recent content by MJuncker

  1. M

    Jonah from Somerville, MA (and founder of Schleptastic)

    Thanks! I really like the Tow Monster, its a very clever design and it can be used in so many different ways! Really cool, never saw something like this in the Netherlands.
  2. M

    Jonah from Somerville, MA (and founder of Schleptastic)

    Wonderful to see the bike Transporter! Is it also suitable for towing a bike with a kid on it?
  3. M

    Hi from Portland!

    I use an additional saddle to ride with my 3-yo. My bike has an extra mount for such a seat, but you can get them for a regular frame as well. Maybe a good replacement for the Yepp?
  4. M

    Hallo from the Netherlands

    Hello everyone! I came across this community through Bluesky, and I am happy to become a part of it. I love the idea of sharing knowledge and experiences of the 'cargo bike life' independent of Big Tech's advertisements, curation, and algorithms. Born and raised in the Netherlands, I always...