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Recent content by Nitot

  1. N

    Hi from Paris, France, riding a Muli Muskel cargo

    Oh wow, super useful information, thanks! It's a second hand bike, so no, I have not been told about the issue. Thanks a million for this ! --Tristan
  2. N

    Anyone in France?

    Hi, I'm a cargo owner from Paris, France, anyone around here on this forum? Here is a link to my presentation in case you want to know more: https://cargobikelife.com/threads/hi-from-paris-france-riding-a-muli-muskel-cargo.176/ --Tristan
  3. N

    Torque your rear axle nuts

    I own a Muli Muskel and it has a belt drive. It does have adjustable axles because of this. Belts tend to get longer with time and need to be in tension to work properly, if I understand things correctly (I'm new to belt drives). So this approach enable to adjust the tension. At least that's...
  4. N

    Hi from Paris, France, riding a Muli Muskel cargo

    Hi! My name is Tristan, I'm the new owner of a second hand Muli Muskel cargo. It's built in Germany and is a very special bike (to be honest I think pretty much any bike is special, but maybe that's just me!). 1. it has small wheels (20" at the back, 16" at the front), so the bike is quite...