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Cargo Bike Family of 4 in Calgary, Canada


New member
Jan 2, 2025
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Hi All!

My name is Alanna and our family of 4 traded our second car for an Urban Arrow in the fall of 2023. My husband still needs a car for work and we often visit my parents in rural BC, as well as his family in the far suburbs of Calgary. I replaced most of my car trips with bike trips since getting the Urban Arrow. I work from home so my commute is primarily to daycare/school & back to my "office". I get groceries, go to doctors appointments, shuttle kids to activities, and meet up with friends, all by bike. Since October 2023, we have ridden over 3300 kms on the UA.

My daughter started school in September and I very quickly got pulled into school council. I'm now director of transportation and we've been working hard to launch a school street project. My transportation co-coordinator leads a bike bus when we don't have snow, but in the winter we aim for walking buses and encouraging drive to five. I like to say that I'm an accidental urbanist. I didn't really seek it out, but have become extremely passionate about street design in hopes of creating safe streets for my kids.

I'm on social media as whoalansi, primarily use Instagram and bluesky (https://bsky.app/profile/whoalansi.bsky.social) these days.

360 photo of two kids with colourful helmets in the front box of an urban arrow cargo bike while a woman pedals and drinks her coffee, smiling. The sky is blue with some white clouds and there are trees and homes in the background. Urban Arrow cargo bike locked to bike rack on sidewalk by cafe, skyscrapers in background.Urban Arrow Cargo Bike parked and locked at bike racks with tall glass windows in background.