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Cargo bike mutual aid in Austin, TX


New member
Feb 10, 2025
Reaction score
I worked ten years as a pedicab driver in Boston and beyond, after getting one of my own I started exploring the possibilities beyond schlepping humans and I haven’t looked back since.

Now living in ATX my partner and I started out delivering food to the unhoused on bikes but soon discovered there was an even greater, more urgent need…water. And after an entire hot season bringing about 20,000lbs of water out to people I’ve successfully drove my bafang bbs02 into the ground and am exploring my options. My pedicab can carry more but a lot of folks we serve are down some single track trails that the pedicab just can’t navigate.

We recently were awarded a small grant to get a cargo bike but the options are limited and expensive. I am a welder and somewhat of an e-bike expert so I am toying around with the idea of rolling my own front loader, but if a bullitt comes around at the right price that might be the best move.

Regardless I’m excited to join this community of like minds and see what we all do with them!1DB57952-D5E9-47B2-9F3C-1EEE7F9B6E2D.jpeg28F8E0D2-D37D-4CE2-A3AF-6EB96A236183.jpeg8B891893-5EB5-4C9B-9D52-D398ADC0654F.jpeg6D128EE2-99C2-4305-8E42-B709F04209A6.jpegBA7ED7E8-9A34-4215-9039-1DDD8AEBAA59.jpegA3CF40F6-8FC6-420D-808C-0E187C964916.jpeg4F07A4FC-79A5-4A22-967C-48545C994854.jpeg