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How Commuting Change my Life!

let me think on this and I will get back to you
Hi Abi Kevin here from cold and chilly Wales, been commuting by bike now on and off for 30 years. Had a 8 year gap when I worked from home, it was only when I got back to it that I realized how much I missed it. 5 years later I still can’t get enough. Just recently went electric and loving it. Taking a break today and currently on the train on the way to work.

For me it sets me up for the day I ride 16 miles each way and love the fresh air and effort it takes. Did 4000 miles plus last year probably go back to my acoustic bike for the summer. Haven’t got a cargo bike as such yet but looking to and live a car lite life


Anyway that’s a little about me how’s yourself
I love this!

I've found the time riding the 15 miles each way to my campus has been a wonderful time to clear my head and really get centered. It's so much more joyful than driving. The few times a month I do drive around town, I always remember how demoralizing driving is. The bike feels like freedom!

Also, I love the Velobins! I'm rocking a set of blue ones here in Texas!