Bunch Electric Cargo Trike Overview

This review is from 2020, and Bunch now has the Original 4.

An overview of the original Bunch Electric Cargo Trike to help you determine if it is for you, how it handles, and what else you may need.

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Video Overview of the Bunch Electric Cargo Bike

Bunch Electric Cargo Bike Overview

Bunch Original Cargo Bike Pricing (May 2020)

Starting at $4295 (was $3500 at the time of writing this plus tax or shipping) for the electric model

Bunch Original Cargo Bike Details

  • Fits rider heights 5’ to 6’5
  • Carry up to 220 pounds of cargo
  • 20″ Front Wheels (two total as this is a trike!)
  • 24″ Rear Wheel
  • Front and rear bench seats that can lock with a total of 4 harness seatbelts
  • Rear rack 
  • Headlight (non-electric runs off normal batteries, electric runs off e-bike battery)
  • The taillight on the electric bike model is integrated into the battery, and no tail light on the non-electric model

Available Bunch Accessories

  • Rain cover or sun cover
  • Front door (you do lose the front bench)
  • Baby seat for the inside of the box

Handling of the Bunch Cargo Bike

This style of trike has fixed front wheels, so to turn, you move the whole front box. Watch the above video if you aren’t clear on what that means. The advantage is that this trike is nice and stable when loaded, but it doesn’t handle turns at speed very well as you are turning that massive box. It can also be justled around on bumpy roads since there isn’t any suspension between the wheels.

I personally wouldn’t ride this bike in heavy traffic areas that require me to be nimble and responsive, but in NE Denver, with our straight, flat bike lanes and dedicated bike paths, I think this is a great bike. If you are staying in your neighborhood or bike paths and want something nice and stable, this could be a great cargo bike (trike) for you!

Thoughts on the Electric Assist on the Bunch Cargo Bike

This trike uses a rear hub drive motor to assist your pedaling. You have to pedal to get the electric assist to help you, and the bike feels like it is pushing you a bit when you pedal to get that assistance. This system comes with a 2-year warranty that you would deal directly with Bunch for anything. Most electric-assist systems that aren’t Bosch, Shimano, or Yamaha are a bit of a wild wild west without customer support or help. The ONLY reason I dealt with the electric assist from Bunch is that I can call someone on their team. After selling/servicing them for a couple of years, I still think it is an okay system but not something I want for daily use that must be super reliable.

My expectations for this electric assist are low, and the person looking to buy this will probably not put on a crazy amount of miles. We are talking 2-3 miles at a time for playdates, school drop-offs, and around-the-neighborhood life. The battery and system have a 2-year warranty, and depending on how many times you charge your battery and the temperatures it is stored in, you may need a new battery at the end of those 2 years. If this hub-based electric-assist system was on a bike ride 20 miles a day, you may need to replace the wheel after 3-5000 miles. Most people won’t see that mileage for years at a time. Your battery will stop charging (which is replaceable) long before you worry about the electric assist motor wearing out.

Who is the Bunch Cargo Bike For?

This is probably the most important question I can answer.

Here is who has tested or purchased this bike so far: 

Families looking to replace short car trips (<3 miles), go further than their double stroller (or maybe their kids are too big for the stroller), dog owners that don’t want to drive their dogs to the park, families that want weather protection options and need the stability of the trike vs the Urban Arrow two-wheel cargo bike

Here is who it hasn’t worked for:

Someone who often goes further than the neighborhood, a daily cyclist who likes the ride of a two-wheeled bike, rides a lot of miles, lives somewhere super hilly or with a lot of turns or traffic, needs to be able to transport the trike, and doesn’t own a pick-up truck.


This bike will not replace my beloved Urban Arrow Family Bike or Tern GSD because I prefer the handling and speed of a two-wheel bike. However, this is a great step forward for people who may not have picked up a two-wheel cargo bike due to its stability.

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