• Welcome early adopters! Make sure to checkout our Getting Started section

A regional welcome!

Thanks for the warm welcome for SE folks!

Biking in general (including cargo bikes I’m sure) can feel like a bit of a challenge in these parts, at least in my experience. Seeing folks coordinating and getting excited about riding is always so important for building the momentum!
Love this place! Thanks for putting together this community Arleigh. I came across your channel around 2 years ago when I was preparing to move to Durham for work and was looking for bike content from the area. You were a big influence in me deciding to go with Tern when purchasing a bike and I’ve enjoyed following your content.
Love this place! Thanks for putting together this community Arleigh. I came across your channel around 2 years ago when I was preparing to move to Durham for work and was looking for bike content from the area. You were a big influence in me deciding to go with Tern when purchasing a bike and I’ve enjoyed following your content.
awesome! Are you still in Durham?!