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Cargo Bikes in Ottawa


New member
Dec 29, 2024
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Hi everyone! I'm Cassie - parent of two kids and two cargo bikes in Ottawa, Canada.

We because aware of cargo bikes early in the pandemic and ordered an Urban Arrow in the fall of 2020 that ended up arriving in April 2021 the same week my daughter was born. By spring of 2023 we added a Tern GSD which has multiplied our biking (induced demand!). These are our primary vehicles year-round since we were able to move close to our city's winter-maintained cycling network.

I spend a lot of time and energy trying to spread the word about these amazing vehicles. I'm the VP of our local cycling advocacy organization, I work on sustainable transportation behaviour change, and I founded Kidical Mass Ottawa.

Happy to meet you all here and make information and inspiration about biking for transportation and cargo bikes more accessible for everyone.


Image ALT text: a bright blue Tern GSD longtail parked next to an Urban Arrow backfiets with one kid inside another bringing a backpack toward it.
Welcome Cassie! I’d love to hear more about your journey into advocacy and biking with a family.

We moved to a bike friendlier city too with our 5 year old and trying to get involved more with our local advocacy groups.
Hi Nacho!

I was generally aware of the advocacy work happening in my city for quite awhile, but when my kid was born it felt more urgent for me to get involved. They have an advocacy working group which is the foot in the door for many people, myself included. They share info about the projects coming up in communities (including what they like and don't like) and encourage folks to attend info sessions, get in touch with their councillor, etc. I participated in this for a couple of years and learned a lot about how the city and the org work.

We also have a Critical Mass ride happening in the city and it was at one of those rides that I met a few of the Bike Ottawa board members and they "recruited me" to join.

Bike Ottawa also hosted a a virtual screening of MOTHERLOAD back in 2020 and I loved the idea of Kidical Mass. I kept waiting for someone to start it here, but eventually realized I should do it myself. I suggested it to Bike Ottawa and some other organizations and they all wanted to support and be involved.

In general most of these types of groups are very enthusiastic about more people getting involved - as members, volunteers, or leaders. There is so much work that could be done and often very little resources to do so. So if you have interest, I'd suggest sending them an email with your areas of interest or skills and ask how you can help! And if they don't reply right away (or at all) it could just be a capacity issue - reach out again or find them at an event. I'm sure they will appreciate your help!

P.S. I'm so curious about Culdesac. What an exciting place to live. I met a planner for a new "car-light" community here who had never heard about it and was coincidentally planning a visit to Tempe. I hope she took the opportunity to visit it. I think we could be bolder here - there are no car-free options - why not try it!!
Thanks for sharing

Moving to a new city has really blown us away, especially since there are more advocacy groups. That’s one thing I’ve noticed. You can get more done by teaming up and joining the local advocacy group.

As for Culdesac, for us, it’s been awesome. Moving from the car dependent suburbs to completely car free has been a blast and have yet to feel we are missing owning a car.

If your friend hasn’t come to Tempe, let me know, I’d be willing to meet up and share my experience.