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Durham NC Bike Train

Things you con control are consistency and communication. We use mostly email listervs and some social media posts as reminders. We always meet in the same place, same, same day of the week, every time school is in. We try to make things fun with music, holiday lights, stickers, hot cocoa, etc.

Out of your immediate control is actually having a feasible, safe route to ride. The lack of safe routes can lead parents to local advocacy.

What else am I missing? Anything you can add?
We have not grown either. It’s often two or three families that participate. Winter is harder. After the time change I will ramp up encouraging new participation.

Anyone have success going from 8ish to 20ish?
I’ve been leading a bike bus in Melrose, MA for almost a year now. We only ride twice/month, but I hope to get it going weekly at a certain point. The support from our principal/including bike bus news in school newsletters has also been instrumental for us. Does everyone here play music on the ride? That’s been a big draw for our kiddos! They love to give me song requests and wait for their song to be played. Our Instagram page has been a great way to get buy-in from the parents…people really seem to love seeing the videos afterwards!
We've got music on ours! I'm hesitant to start an Instagram since most parents don't want their kid's face online.
Hoping to get the principal to join us once it warms up, seems like that is key.
We've got music on ours! I'm hesitant to start an Instagram since most parents don't want their kid's face online.
Hoping to get the principal to join us once it warms up, seems like that is key.
Facebook group for the bike bus, and posting a short video once a week was probably just as impactful as the principal's emails. FWIW.

Haven't had any feedback from parents on the videos, other than they like seeing them, and share them around.