An european-thing: Schokofahrt 
Twice a year, usually around Easter and in October, the cargo bike community meets at the Chocolatemakers in Amsterdam to pick up chocolate bars and transport them to the various shops. We only take care of the logistics, because we want to transport the chocolate across the country to the sales outlets without any emissions. The Chocolate Makers in Amsterdam is an organic and ecological chocolate factory. The cocoa beans are sailed from the Dominican Republic to Amsterdam on a cargo ship, the Tres Hombres, and processed into chocolate there. The pictures are from october 2024. Everuybody of us three has about 25kg chocolate in the Bullitt-Convoy-Box. We did this tour with 3 adults an two kids (aged 9 and 13) and our whole tour was about 600km in 8 driving-days.
Btw, the indoor-bike-parking was the biggest bike-parking in the world, with 12.500 places for bikes. It is in Utrecht/Netherlands close to the Railstation.
The next "Schokofahrt" will be on easter 2025. I will show some pictures

Twice a year, usually around Easter and in October, the cargo bike community meets at the Chocolatemakers in Amsterdam to pick up chocolate bars and transport them to the various shops. We only take care of the logistics, because we want to transport the chocolate across the country to the sales outlets without any emissions. The Chocolate Makers in Amsterdam is an organic and ecological chocolate factory. The cocoa beans are sailed from the Dominican Republic to Amsterdam on a cargo ship, the Tres Hombres, and processed into chocolate there. The pictures are from october 2024. Everuybody of us three has about 25kg chocolate in the Bullitt-Convoy-Box. We did this tour with 3 adults an two kids (aged 9 and 13) and our whole tour was about 600km in 8 driving-days.
Btw, the indoor-bike-parking was the biggest bike-parking in the world, with 12.500 places for bikes. It is in Utrecht/Netherlands close to the Railstation.
The next "Schokofahrt" will be on easter 2025. I will show some pictures