I'm excited about this new platform for the bike world! Thanks Arleigh!

This is my current around town Trek (which sometimes sees the light of day as an actual mountain bike) with my Tow Monster tow hitch and cargo carrier.
My regular daily rider was a very old Miyata road frame that I built up with DIY bullhorn handlebars and front and rear racks -- I'm rebuilding it at the moment. I also just bought an Xtracycle Hopper for kid transport and bad-knee-times, which I love, and I have an acoustic Haul-a-Day, a hand powered trike, and an older Bianchi Eros road bike. (I have been on a long term bike diet with limited success... I have somehow managed to avoid getting a tandem, which is clearly and problematically missing from my lineup; it's a wonder I'm able to get by.

This is my current around town Trek (which sometimes sees the light of day as an actual mountain bike) with my Tow Monster tow hitch and cargo carrier.
My regular daily rider was a very old Miyata road frame that I built up with DIY bullhorn handlebars and front and rear racks -- I'm rebuilding it at the moment. I also just bought an Xtracycle Hopper for kid transport and bad-knee-times, which I love, and I have an acoustic Haul-a-Day, a hand powered trike, and an older Bianchi Eros road bike. (I have been on a long term bike diet with limited success... I have somehow managed to avoid getting a tandem, which is clearly and problematically missing from my lineup; it's a wonder I'm able to get by.