Hello to all present and soon-to-be cargo biking fellows!
I have used bikes for the majority of my life, until an emerging knee problem limited how far and often I could ride. After my employer moved to a more remote part of the city, I became a little fed up with relying on public transport (which is by no means bad here in Hamburg), so I decided to try going back to commuting by bike -- but this time I would use an e-bike, which I hoped would still be okay with my bad knee. During my research I instantly fell in love with Tern's then still to be released HSD, and today I am SO HAPPY with both my general decision to try an e-bike, and with that bike's purchase in particular. Have had many a great haul, such a capable little bike!

I have used bikes for the majority of my life, until an emerging knee problem limited how far and often I could ride. After my employer moved to a more remote part of the city, I became a little fed up with relying on public transport (which is by no means bad here in Hamburg), so I decided to try going back to commuting by bike -- but this time I would use an e-bike, which I hoped would still be okay with my bad knee. During my research I instantly fell in love with Tern's then still to be released HSD, and today I am SO HAPPY with both my general decision to try an e-bike, and with that bike's purchase in particular. Have had many a great haul, such a capable little bike!