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Secondary cargo bike decision for 3 kids


New member
Jan 23, 2025
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Hi all,
We're discussing a second cargo bike for the family and curious for opinions!

We currently have a 3yo, 1yo and I'm pregnant with our third. We have an Urban Arrow that we love for the daily daycare run and everything else. In fact, we love it so much that we'd like a second cargo bike. However, my husband's commute is bike to daycare->bike to train station->light rail->bike a bit farther to the office. The Urban Arrow isn't compatible with that (guidelines are max 80" for the bike). Right now he does a bike swap halfway through that process, but we'd love to eliminate that step.

In the short term, we're expecting that this second bike would only be used by the two "big kids" (the little one will only be in a car seat in the Urban Arrow until he's 1), but long term, it would be ideal if we could get all three kids on the second bike too (so say ages 6, 4 & 3).

A longtail is an obvious option here because of the train-compatibility, but the garage space would be nice too! I'm a bit concerned about whether a longtail with three kids on it would be too heavy for me to manage, so I'd love thoughts on that (not in a hill sense, but tippiness-wise). At the same time, our bakfiets is so great and feels very safe, so I'm not opposed to staying in that camp.

The three bikes we're looking at and would love to test at this point are:
- Yuba Spicy Curry
- Xtracycle Swoop
- Riese & Muller Carrie (two in the basket, 1 in the Yepp seat on the back).

All three are about 83", so they're not quite within the train guidelines, but they're probably close enough to get away with it!

Any thoughts on which one(s) might be a good fit for our situation? Are we missing any that would fit that criteria from our list?
I've heard of people getting 3 on the back of a tern GSD, but it's not rated for it and would probably a bit uncomfortable if done regularly. I've taken the tern on trains in the UK before where it's very tight on space and still managed it ok.

I've seen https://bike43.com/ but I've not seen any posts from anyone who's actually got one yet.

How does he do the bike swap? Does he ride back home and swap?
I ride a radwagon long tail cargo bike, so no specific advice on these brands but a front mount seat for when the little one is along might work out. The xtracycle swoop definitely advertises that you can fit three kids, but it doesn't look like you could bring a back pack, maybe some bags might fit on the side bars of the hooptie passenger rails though.

As for stability, I feel like it's kinda child dependant. My four year old alone could probably tip our bike if he was really trying to be a jerk lol and we have a system similar to the hooptie for the xtracycle. When he's sitting well I don't have any troubles. My baby is just about big enough to ride along in the yepp seat so if that addition changes things I'll report back lol

Good luck bringing your third baby along for the ride!
There aren't too many solid options for 3 kids that stay compact

Carrie: I tried the Carrie, and there's no way my 3 kids would fit beyond a short ride, but it's the most compact front loader that "could" do it.
Xtracycle Swoop is a great option
Yuba Spicy Curry deck is not long enough IMO for 3 kids

As a cargo bike nut with 3 kids, I rely on the Urban Arrow when moving all 3. The complimentary bike is the GSD for when I take the two bigger (7 & 10) or just the little (2). I also pulled a trailer using the GSD, with bigger kids and smaller ones in the trailer.
I've seen https://bike43.com/ but I've not seen any posts from anyone who's actually got one yet.
Hey this is a cool product. I’ve started to kind of tune out of long-tail bike updates as there are so many copies of one another and not many differentiating features of note.

This is the first long-tail I’ve seen in a while with some fresh ideas. Very cool toddler foot box.

Weird, but interesting, swappable motor mount. First time I’ve seen anything like that. I don’t understand what the advantage or purpose is there, just seems like unnecessary complication to me.