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Jan 7, 2025
Hi All my name is Kevin and I live in South Wales in the UK, I am a passionate cycling advocate, who is looking over the next year or so to move away from car use, although I use a car very little at the moment. I have a steel framed touring bike made by Temple as my everyday steed. I rode in excess of 4000 miles during 2024 both leisure and commuting completing the 100 mile Dragon Ride in Wales in the process. I have recently Become interested in Cargo Bikes and I am looking to purchase one hopefully in 2025.
Currently looking at products by Tern as well as Yuba, Probably looking for an Acoustic bike such as the Short Haul, but open to be convinced on an E Bike such as the Quick Haul.

Looking forward to interacting with you all on this forum, congratulations Bike Shop Girl on a real step forward in the popularisation of Cargo and E cargo Bikes.
Hi All my name is Kevin and I live in South Wales in the UK, I am a passionate cycling advocate, who is looking over the next year or so to move away from car use, although I use a car very little at the moment. I have a steel framed touring bike made by Temple as my everyday steed. I rode in excess of 4000 miles during 2024 both leisure and commuting completing the 100 mile Dragon Ride in Wales in the process. I have recently Become interested in Cargo Bikes and I am looking to purchase one hopefully in 2025.
Currently looking at products by Tern as well as Yuba, Probably looking for an Acoustic bike such as the Short Haul, but open to be convinced on an E Bike such as the Quick Haul.

Looking forward to interacting with you all on this forum, congratulations Bike Shop Girl on a real step forward in the popularisation of Cargo and E cargo Bikes.
Hello Kevin, from up here in Shrewsbury, I would try to convince you of the benefits of an e-cargo bike! Spencer
Hi Spencer jury's out at the moment as to go Electric or not.
For me, e-bikes are a totally different experience to acoustic. All I know is that it enables me to cycle further and more often. I'm never disappointed I got one.
Hi Spencer jury's out at the moment as to go Electric or not.
Here's my argument for electric, you go further, see more and have a bigger adventure with electric all while putting in the same effort. Plus you get to go bike camping with all the luxuries. I think the downside for you may be range saying that I'm an all the turbo all the time kind of guy so I'll use both batteries in a 80mile ride on the GSD.
I use to exclusively ride motorcycle year round though so I feel I would miss the distance I can get away from home on an acoustic cargo.
Either option I think you'll love it.
The main attraction of the cargo bike for me is: Cargo! Racks and panniers can only get you so far; if you've 2 kids to haul, or a full weeks shopping click and collect to pick up, or a shelf from the local furniture recycle, cargo bike makes this a whole lot easier.

I see some real crazy gymnastics in the carryshit Olympics group on Facebook but in Wales (and Yorkshire) hills and traffic are a real thing, I do a lot of rides that would be impossible for me without an electric boost.