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Hi from Nashville!


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Mar 18, 2025
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Hi there from Nashville! Currently riding an Aventon Abound (for the past year) and expecting our Urban Arrow delivery any day now! We have a special needs 6 year old so we've had both the top kid spot + trailer to keep our two oldest separated. But now they've been doing much better interacting with each other, so hoping they will be able to ride next to each other comfortably in the UA with the baby in the Maxi Cosi spot!
Hey! welcome!!!

*Now tell me everything about that sweet front basket setup you have*
I LOVE my milk crate! And it’s so funny because it was suggested to me and I was sort of meh, but now that I’ve been using it for a year I’m obsessed. Practical, large, bright…what’s not to love??

I thought the rectangle size would be too big, but it’s perfect for hauling stuff. And I honestly never really notice it while riding. Sometimes can be a bit in the way while parking, but not a big deal. It also has the added benefit of being great for visibility AND making my bike “less cute” so it’s less of a target for thieves…maybe?

I got it here and just zip tied it to the front Aventon rack.

I LOVE my milk crate! And it’s so funny because it was suggested to me and I was sort of meh, but now that I’ve been using it for a year I’m obsessed. Practical, large, bright…what’s not to love??

I thought the rectangle size would be too big, but it’s perfect for hauling stuff. And I honestly never really notice it while riding. Sometimes can be a bit in the way while parking, but not a big deal. It also has the added benefit of being great for visibility AND making my bike “less cute” so it’s less of a target for thieves…maybe?

I got it here and just zip tied it to the front Aventon rack.

And here it is hauling two large boxes of diapers…easily! It’s awesome.


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Welcome! What's biking in Nashville like?
You know that’s an interesting question…I think it really varies area by area. On the whole I would say “not great” (very similar to most average US cities), but in the last year near me two really great bike lanes have gone in…so slowly there is improvement. Our mayor is a biker, so that brings hope that more change is to come!

Where I live I would actually say it’s “amazing”, but I only realized this within the last year. It’s because of a circular greenway that allows you to easily get to 4 grocery stores, restaurants, etc. So if you can relatively easily get to the greenway, your world opens up! I’ve been here almost 10 years and I’m kicking myself for all the cool biking I could’ve done in that time. So a goal this year is to share with what I’ve been doing with more neighbors to show them what a cool thing we have!
You know that’s an interesting question…I think it really varies area by area. On the whole I would say “not great” (very similar to most average US cities), but in the last year near me two really great bike lanes have gone in…so slowly there is improvement. Our mayor is a biker, so that brings hope that more change is to come!

Where I live I would actually say it’s “amazing”, but I only realized this within the last year. It’s because of a circular greenway that allows you to easily get to 4 grocery stores, restaurants, etc. So if you can relatively easily get to the greenway, your world opens up! I’ve been here almost 10 years and I’m kicking myself for all the cool biking I could’ve done in that time. So a goal this year is to share with what I’ve been doing with more neighbors to show them what a cool thing we have!
Glad to hear there are places where it's pretty good and that it's improving! That does seem to be the case in more cities now - plenty of work needed but pretty solid in spots.
Incredible! We are also an Abound family who just started transitioning to the Urban Arrow a couple weeks ago. I imagine bike in Nashville is pretty different than it is here in Philadelphia, but I'm sure both cities have their challenges and require mixing with auto traffic more than we'd like. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!
Glad to hear there are places where it's pretty good and that it's improving! That does seem to be the case in more cities now - plenty of work needed but pretty solid in spots.
Yes exactly! It’s workable if you can find a little bikeable island! Better than nothing. Hoping to get my neighbors intrigued too to help show demand!
Incredible! We are also an Abound family who just started transitioning to the Urban Arrow a couple weeks ago. I imagine bike in Nashville is pretty different than it is here in Philadelphia, but I'm sure both cities have their challenges and require mixing with auto traffic more than we'd like. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!
Oh my gosh too fun! We got the Abound as our “test case” to see if we would use it enough. And thankfully our test worked out brilliantly! Excited to have two bikes now- previously utilized the e-bike rental station near us for the second, but will be nice to just get up and go! Did you get your abound in the same way?
Oh my gosh too fun! We got the Abound as our “test case” to see if we would use it enough. And thankfully our test worked out brilliantly! Excited to have two bikes now- previously utilized the e-bike rental station near us for the second, but will be nice to just get up and go! Did you get your abound in the same way?
We got the Abound after I bought my own ebike for riding around and running errands by myself. The Abound seemed perfect for growing from a one to two-child family, but we eventually decided we wanted something more versatile. Also, and especially if we end up having a third kid, the car seat adapter is going to give us another year or two when we can really ride together as a family.

After getting a chance to test ride the Urban Arrow while visiting friends in Pittsburgh, it became obvious how much this bike was going to make it possible for us to avoid dumping money into car ownership as our family grows. Since my wife has a Tern HSD to ride with smaller loads and I have a Momentum Voya E+ (an electric city bike), we will be looking to sell our Abound to a good home pretty soon here!
I’m kicking myself for all the cool biking I could’ve done in that time.

I think literally everyone feels this way at some point. it is the Universal condition for cyclists.

Also. I will buy many crate of milk and zip tie them to every part of bicycle.